Biographical Information:

I was born and grew up in the Los Angeles area. I first started taking art classes in high school and it being the fifties and sixties, I developed an affinity for Modern Art, the graphic style of Pop-art, and the lush vegetation on my grandmother’s wallpaper.

During the years of college, career and family I occasionally did something arty, but it wasn’t until retirement that I was able to begin taking classes at a variety of institutions and with local artists.

Artist Statement:

I paint because I am curious.

Group Exhibitions:
Pasadena Society of Artists New Member Exhibition; March 3 through 23, 2013
San Gabriel Fine Arts Association, Spring Show, April 26 through 28, 2013

Awards & Honors:
First Prize, Waterscape and Structures Category, San Gabriel Fine Arts Association Spring Show, 2013.

Pasadena Society of Artists
San Gabriel Fine Arts Association