Biographical Information:
Artist Statement:
What compels me to make art most is not what I’ve actually seen or experienced. But what I hear and read on a wide variety of issues or topics with a hope to spark out of the box inquiry on issues important to me. So I draw/paint in coded art that is a question and possibly, at the same time, an answer. I won’t paint overly violent, sexual images! I prefer to bring more fun into art. Make what I seldom see in gallery displays: My own, skewed world view.
Words and written texts fuel the art I make. As I hear words, or read them; an image begins to form. It is captured in a sketchbook, and becomes the basis for whatever else follows. There are thousands of them! Paranormal, cryptozoology, social issues, and science are wells that keep on giving. Ergo, the artwork often reflects these. The working out usually takes a number of revisions. Some pictures are reworked again and again. I still like to show some of the process of painting. Don’t be surprised if you see rough edges or title text below the image. When dealing with human figures, I emphasize voyeur over the shoulder view design over front facials.
Thunder Horse was completed this month in acrylic. It’s based on ancient Sioux tribal lore and is Art Deco. Otherwise it’s comic book cartooning.