Members Only

SUBMIT / UPDATE Your PSA Artist Page Information

Submit / Update Your Artist Profile

If you are UPDATING your profile, only fill out the sections you want to update.​  ​​​​​​ 
Note:  If you are not replacing ALL of your images, please note which image is being replaced. 

FIRST TIME SUBMISSIONS:  Please READ CAREFULLY and submit ALL of the following. 
Only current members with paid dues can submit information.
This is not a submission for membership in PSA. 

  • Artist Bio  
  • Artist Bio photo  (Suggestion: Head shots and medium-close shots work best).
  • Artist Statement
  • 4 artworks (note there is a field for Title, medium, dimensions and a separate field for the image upload) 


    (1)  SEND WELL-PHOTOGRAPHED IMAGES (well-lit and in focus).   

    (2)  Send JPEG files for your images - large-sized files reproduce better.  There is no standard size requirement.  We will change the sizes to fit the website page dimensions.

    (3)  Send Word (or other word-processing programs) documents for all text files. 
    DO NOT SEND PDF or .pages FILES!  PLEASE!  

    (4)  We are NOT editors.  Your text will be included on the website AS WRITTEN, with all grammatical and spelling errors intact. 

    This Artist Profile is your presentation to the public.  Please take the time to make it as professional as possible.  

Questions:  Please contact Fred Chuang, WebManager

Having trouble writing a compelling bio and artist statement?   Review these guidelines for helpful suggestions.

Submit Your Artist Profile

Please add the LINK to your social media page(s).    Open your social media page (whether Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest), then copy the URL address that shows in the address bar and paste it into the appropriate field below.  

No file selected
Please add your name to your artist bio
No file selected
Please title the image: (your last name) , bio photo
No file selected
Please add your name to your artist's statement


Please title your images with YOUR LAST NAME   AND   the title of the work.

No file selected
No file selected
No file selected
No file selected
MEDIA: Choose all that describe your work
Pick at least one
STYLE: Choose all that describe your work
Pick at least one
SUBJECT: Choose all that describe your work
Pick at least one